nopCommerce 3.70
Monday, September 16, 2024 7:38 AM
Not an active payment method: Payments.PurchaseOrder
nopTools - Payment Director Version 1.18: Licensed for

Add new 'Payment Director' record
The evaluation order.:
Active determines if Variable or Option should be evaluated.:
Evaluation type is a variable (String, Boolean, Decimal, Integer, etc.) or a payment option ('Option', 'OptionExit').  All 'Option's will be evaluated until a 'OptionExit' (if any) is matched.:
Payment SystemName.:
Variable Expression, or if for Option, then a boolean expression; if it evaluates to true then the option is available.  If false, then not available (removed if configured Active).:
Expression for Fee. This will calculate a fee, and replace any configured Fee:
Expression for Friendly Name. This will replace any configured name:

Payment Director Settings
Check to activate Payment Director.  Uncheck to bypass.:
Surcharge added to all Fees.:
The sort expression should evaluate to a string that represents an 'ordering clause'.  The ordering clause is one or more (comma separated) payment method fields: DisplayOrder, FriendlyName, SystemName. Each field can optionally be followed by ASC or DESC (the default is ASC = Ascending).  E.g. "DisplayOrder ASC".  Be sure to include double quotes if the expression is a constant.:
Determines what Payment Director does if it encounters an error when processing the additional fee. If checked, then the fee configured in the payment plugin is returned.  If not checked, then 'Error' is returned as the formatted fee which can be trapped in the PaymentMethod.cshtml view.:
